Tajikistan relies on annual income from the gas pipeline "Central Asia-China" at $100 million

Date: 15:21, 09-12-2014.

Almaty. December 9. Silkroadnews - Tajikistan relies on annual income from the gas pipeline "Central Asia-China" at $100 million, informs Tajik news agency (TajikTA) on Tuesday.
"Tajikistan expects to receive annually from the transit of "blue fuel" $100 million for 35 years on the fourth branch (line D) gas pipeline "Central Asia-China", which is planned to run from Turkmenistan to China through Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan", - said publication.
Chairman of the gas distribution company in Tajikistan "Tajiktransgas" Saidahmad Shamsiddinzoda told deputies that Tajikistan's section of the pipeline is scheduled for completion by 2017. According to him, the gas pipeline will be operational at full capacity since January 2020.
S.Shamsiddinzoda explained that the interests of Tajikistan in the project are in receipt of taxes, creating jobs and other economic benefits.
Construction of the pipeline on the territory of Tajikistan, which will be implemented over three years, involves the creation of 47 tunnels with a total length of 76 km. According to preliminary calculations, the combined cost of the project in Tajikistan will be $3.2 billion. During the construction will be created more than 3 thousand new jobs.

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