Tajikistan’s GDP growth is expected to make around 6% in 2018, with 6.5% in 2019

Beijing. April 11. Silkroadnews - Tajikistan’s GDP growth is expected to make around 6% in 2018, with 6.5% in 2019, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) forecasts, the Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reports on Wednesday.
In the latest Asian Development Outlook it is noted that the forecasts for the development of Tajikistan for 2018 and subsequent years are based on the expected fiscal tightening in response to the high ratio of public debt to GDP.
The survey says this is likely to restrict the public investment, while the weak banking sector could restrain the private investment.
A slight increase in the forecast for growth in 2019 is due to the expected growth in industrial production and mining, as well as an increase in the flow of remittances, the ADB study said.
The forecasts also say that in 2018 inflation will rise to 7.5%, reflecting the high liquidity caused by the potential significant recapitalization of banks, increasing wages and tariffs for electricity, as well as a moderate depreciation of the national currency. According to forecasts, in 2019 inflation will be 7%. Last year the inflation was recorded at 6.7%.
In 2017, GDP growth in Tajikistan was 7.1%.