Telegram will not transfer its servers to Iran
Almaty. July 31. Silkroadnews – The founder of “Telegram” Pavel Durov said he will not transfer the company’s servers to Iran, the newspaper “Vechernyaya Moskva” reported.
According to the report, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, wrote a detailed explanation-denial on the statement of Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Mahmoud Vaezi that some of the servers to be located in Iran as a result of meetings with Telegram managers. “No Telegram servers will be transferred to Iran or placed there”, report quoted Durov saying.
P. Durov also wrote a denial in the popular social networks.
According to P. Durov, the misunderstanding occurred cause of confusion of the “server” and “content delivery network” concepts.
“If you ever see a headline saying “Telegram moved its servers to Iran/North Korea/Mordor”, read it”, Durov wrote adding a link to the explanatory material explaining such a misunderstanding could arise because of confusion in terms “server” and “content delivery networks” (CDN). If the Iranian minister really said something like this, he probably referred to one of the CDN caching nodes that Telegram leases from a global CDN provider to cache publicly available data locally in many places in the world”, P. Durov explained.