The Committee of Civil Aviation recommend Kazakh airlines to consider the expediency of flights to Egypt
Almaty. November 10. Silkroadnews - Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Investment and Development (CAC MID) RK recommended the Kazakh airlines to consider expediency of flights to Egypt, reported KazTAG referring to the deputy chairman of the CAC MID of Kazakhstan Talgat Kasenov.
T. Kasenov again stressed that this is only a "recommendation".
At the same time, he said, that the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) did not apply to Kazakhstan on the issue of suspension of the certificate for planes Boeing-737 in Russia.
As previously reported in the media, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the temporary suspension of flights to Egypt. It is expected that this measure is applied until the time when the causes of the accident of A321 over the Sinai Peninsula is established.