The Global Forum on e-government will be held in Kazakhstan on Oct. 6
Astana. October 1. Silkroadnews - Global Forum on e-government will be held in the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana, on October 6-8, informs KazTAG.
"Under this agreement provides for ensuring privileges and immunities, including the right of free entry and exit of the forum participants - representatives of the UN", - said Deputy Minister for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan Erlan Sagadiyev at the extended meeting of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Defense and Security of the Senate Parliament in Astana on Wednesday.
According to the report on the Draft Law "On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the UN trust fund for technical cooperation", the purpose of the agreement is to conduct on 6-8 October 2014 Global Forum on e-government with the UN.
"Currently attendance is confirmed by Prime Minister Karim Massimov and Deputy Secretary General of the UN Wu Hongbo", - the report indicates.
Forum will be held in the Palace of Independence. Planned more than 150 foreign guests.
Earlier it was reported that on October 1 deputies of Majilis of Parliament at the plenary session of the House on Wednesday approved a draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Nations Trust Fund for Technical Cooperation".
The cost of implementation of the agreement is $500 thousand. Provided in the Law "On Republican Budget for 2014-2016".
The agreement was signed between the Government of Kazakhstan and the United Nations in New York on August 4, 2014.