The global share of China's exports grew to 13% in the context of optimizing the structure of foreign trade
Almaty. December 21. Silkoadnews - The global share of China's exports grew to 13% in the context of optimizing the structure of foreign trade, reported
Repersentative of the Ministry of Commerce Shen Danyang said that this year China demonstrated in the development of foreign trade a good "report card", continuing to maintain the status of the largest exporter and the biggest trading power in the world. During the first 11 months of this year, China's share of the global export market has not decreased, but rather increased.
According to data published by the IMF, World Bank, WTO and other major international economic organizations, for the first 9 months of this year, the dynamics of decline in trade in 2015 will probably yield only 2009: Import of 70 major world economies showed negative growth, and exports to these countries declined significantly.
According to the monthly estimates of the WTO from January to September, the volume of world exports fell by 11.1%. And US exports decreased by 6.2%, exports of the EU countries - 12.8%, Japan - by 9.2%, South Korea - 6.6%, India - 16.6%, South Africa - 7,9%, and Brazil - by 16.8%.
In this context, in the first 11 months of this year, China's share of the global export market has increased significantly, from 12.4% at the end of last year to about 13%.
As noted in the publication, this year there was the optimization of the structure of China's foreign trade. In the first 11 months of this year, large equipment made in China, including railway equipment, electrical and communications equipment markets fell on the middle and upper segment of the US and Europe, which has allowed China to increase exports by more than 10%.
The growth of Chinese exports in relation to the ASEAN countries amounted to 3%, and in the case of countries such as Vietnam, India, Thailand and Singapore, the figure approached or exceeded 10%.
Also should be noted an increase by more than 30% of export volumes of cross-border e-commerce as well as increase in turnover on the market for the purchase by more than 70%, which was the impetus for mass export of small and medium-sized enterprises and has become a new growth point of China's foreign trade.