The Kyrgyz government is developing a plan of strengthening the national currency and de-dollarization of the economy
Almaty. November 26. Silkroadnews - The Kyrgyz government is developing a plan to strengthen the national currency and the de-dollarization of the economy, reports KyrTAG with reference to the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
"At present, the government and the National Bank is working to develop a system of economic and social measures to limit the circulation of the dollar in the country, to stabilize the situation on the currency market, the development of domestic demand for the national currency, the decision on import for the development of the real economy. To this end, a draft action plan to strengthen the national currency and the de-dollarization of the economy", - said the agency on Thursday.
The Ministry of Economy also informed about ongoing government measures to prevent sharp fluctuations in the currency market. So, on a regular basis are monitored prices in the domestic markets for the main socio-important food items (flour, bread, pasteurized milk, meat, pasta, butter, vegetable oil, rice, beans, etc.). In the framework of regulation of monopoly on an ongoing basis, we work to prevent unjustified rise in prices and tariffs.
In addition, in order to educate and raise awareness, provide early warning, risk identification and timely response to changes in prices for food products and planning appropriate solutions formed an interagency technical working group on monitoring of prices for food security in the Kyrgyz Republic.
In order to reduce the risk of the exchange rate of the National Bank, the government is working on the implementation of the plans, which includes: a reasonable currency interventions to smooth sharp fluctuations of KGS exchange rate; conducting commodity interventions when needed; issuance of loans in US dollars, Russian rubles to those borrowers who have stable income in the respective currency; the need to diversify the issued loans and free resources available; constant monitoring of prices of large manufacturers (millers, bakeries); Work actively to attract deposits in the national currency; an exception in the domestic market operations on purchase - sale of foreign currency; Work actively to inform the public, with the exception of panic among the population, etc.
According KyrTAG morning of November 26 in exchange offices the dollar jumped to C77 / $ 1.