The most favorable country in Central Asia for foreign investments turned out to be Kazakhstan, the least - Tajikistan

Date: 13:37, 25-02-2015.

Almaty. February 25. KazTAG - The most favorable country for foreign investment in Central Asia turned out Kazakhstan, the least - Tajikistan, said the report "Assessing political risk for foreign investors in Central Asia for 2014", prepared by the communications holding Minchenko Consulting.
According to the rating of political risks for investors at the end of 2014, in the first place with minimal risk to the investor located Kazakhstan with a total 18 points. Second place belongs to Turkmenistan (33 points), third place - Uzbekistan (38 points), 4th - Kyrgyzstan (39 points) and at the last, 5th place, located Tajikistan (43 points). Most riskly for investment corresponds to 50 points.
The overall rating includes the amount of country assessments by 5 key macro factors: internal risks of stability regime , external risks of stability regime , the risk of leading industries or sectors of the economy, the degree of liberal legislation for investors, transparency and stability of the rules of the game for investors.
Kazakhstan is one of the most stable countries in the region in terms of internal risks, but the political dynamics of the last few years has worsened its rating. Compared to other Central Asian countries, Kazakhstan established a sustainable balance between the various intra-groups allocated primarily for financial and industrial groups to which they belong.
In the ranking of external risks of stability regimes in Central Asia, Kazakhstan also takes the leading position. Next on the list are Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in the last place.
Regarding the assessment of the liberal legislation of Central Asian countries for investors, all estimates were unchanged from 2013. Thus, the most liberal legislation had been in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Tajikistan occupies an intermediate position, and Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan regulate relations with investors exclusively in "manual mode", futhermore Uzbekistan has a practice of non-development of funds.

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