The People’s Bank of Uzbekistan plans to implement customer fingerprints identification

Date: 15:33, 26-02-2016.

Almaty. February 26. Silkroadnews - In the second quarter of 2016 the People’s Bank of Uzbekistan plans to implement the customer fingerprints identification, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
According to information on the bank’s website, the system shall contribute to improve the bank’s customer’s recognition system to raise the deposit operations security using the example of the world’s leading banks.
“Fingerprinting procedure takes about 1 minute. Identification data meet the banking secrecy concept. The information is confidential and shall not be disclosed,” - a statement says.
The fingerprint is to be stored in the bank database, along with the other customer information and serves as an additional identifier of the person according to the latest biometric technology.
“This identification can be used to carry out the banking operations or to confirm the customer’s identity in case of loss of the documents, passports or other documents the bank considers as valid,” – the statement specifies.
A pilot project for customer identification by fingerprints has already been tested in Almazar and Yunusabad branches of the People’s Bank in Tashkent.
As explained, this system of customer identification is introduced to protect the interests of customers and to prevent the fraud on the supplementary personal accounts without the knowledge (or without the presence) of the customer.

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