The President of Kazakhstan proposes to develop Caspian tourism

Date: 16:05, 29-09-2014.

Astana. September 29. Silkroadnews - Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed at the IV Summit of Heads of Caspian littoral states in Astrakhan, to develop the Caspian tourism, informs KazTAG.
"The tourist infrastructure of the Caspian countries gives good oportunity to develop the Caspian tourism" - quoted Nazarbayev on Monday.
The Head of State noted that Kazakhstan is working on the development of the tourist zone in Kenderli and in Turkmenistan in a recreation area Avaz.
"We know that there are attractive resorts in Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Our governments should carefully consider this area of ​​cooperation", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.
According to him, it will be a good opportunity for a good exchange between young people, where our cultures will serve as convergence.

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