The production of precious metals in Kyrgyzstan decreased twice
Almaty. November 12. Silkroadnews - In October this year compared to the same period last year marked slowdown in growth in industrial production, which determines a decrease of the production of precious metals by 56.1%, reports KyrTAG.
According to the express information of the NSC of Kyrgyz Republic, since the beginning of the year the rate of increase are saved in industrial production in mining of metal ores (5.1 times), production of petroleum products (2 times), as well as precious metals (by 17.2%).
Industrial output, excluding enterprises developing the deposit "Kumtor", increased by 0.8%.
Remains the backlog from last year's in the level of the textile industry ( -11%), clothing ( - 24.8%), electrical equipment ( -11.6%), other non metallic mineral products (by -9.1%), in electricity, transmission and distribution (-6.3%).