The role of Central Asian countries in the "global trade" is not fully implemented , says Afghan Minister

Date: 14:11, 20-05-2015.

Almaty. May 20. Silkroadnews - The role of the Central - Asian region in the "global trade" is not implemented in full. This was stated by Senior Executive Director of the Agency of Railways Ministry of Public Works of Afghanistan Mohammad Yamma Shams, reports KazTAG.
"The countries of Central Asia have relatively high potential, but in the "global trade" the role is not as serious as it could be", - said M. Shams at the round table "Transport and Logistics in Central Asia: new realities" in Almaty on Wednesday.
He noted that there are many options that may contribute to the development of trade relations in the region, as there are corridors, joining the Central Asian region with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and other countries in South Asia, and to fully realize the capabilities it is necessary to develop all existing transport corridors.
"Large infrastructure projects in the field of transport and logistics will lead to the creation of new jobs and will improve the poverty situation in the region", - said M. Shams.
In this regard, on behalf of the Afghan government, he urged the partners to "build a relationship of trust based on mutual respect and in this way to develop a business".

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