The SCO countries will discuss in Moscow about measures to help Afghanistan to achieve stability

Date: 12:08, 08-10-2015.

Almaty. October 8. Silkroadnews - The Russian Defense Ministry will hold on October 8-9 in Moscow international conference on Afghanistan, reports AfTAG.
The forum will be attended by representatives of member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, observers and dialogue partners representing the general staffs, as well as heads of international organizations SCO, CSTO and CIS.
During the event, participants will examine in detail the history of the Afghan conflict, analyze the current security situation in the country and the region, discuss possible measures to assist the Afghan side in achieving stability and preventing the spread of extremism in neighboring states.
Representatives of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces will present the main estimates of the Russian military authorities in Afghanistan and its impact on security in Central Asia.
As part of the forum, participants will visit the International Mine Action Center of the Armed Forces.

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