The United States may postpone the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan - Pentagon chief

Date: 07:20, 23-02-2015.

Almaty. February 23. Silkroadnews - United States are exploring the possibility of conservation of military presence in Afghanistan in the next couple of years, reports the agency TASS referring to the US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter.
Minister at the meeting with the President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani explained that Washington revised the plans due to the desire to reliably consolidate the results achieved during the US military operation, as well as to establish more constructive relations with a new administration in Kabul.
According to the minister, US President Barack Obama is considering a number of options to strengthen the support that States give to the strategy of President A.Gani. These options "include the possible amendments to the timetable of the withdrawal of US troops", - the minister said.
In line with the information they provide, the US government "discusses and revises the details of the anti-terrorist mission" in Afghanistan, exploring "how to change the situation here in terms of terrorism" for the time elapsed after the US made plans to reduce its military presence in the country in Southwest Asia.
In the notice sent to Barack Obama in mid-December it was said that at that time in Afghanistan stationed about 15 thousand US troops. These forces were in the process of reducing the level of 9.8 thousand soldiers by the beginning of 2015. By the end of 2016 the US military presence in Afghanistan will be insignificant, its deployment will be limited to the territory of the embassy in Kabul.
According to the American press, now in Afghanistan stationed about 10 thousand US troops. Meanwhile, in 2011, at the peak, the number of US troops in Afghanistan amounted to 101 thousand man.

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