The volume of localized production in the oil and gas industry of Uzbekistan in 2019 will exceed $ 413.4 million
Almaty. May 15. Silkroadnews - The volume of localized production in the oil and gas industry of Uzbekistan in 2019 will amount to 1.043 trillion soums (more than $413.4 million), informed UzTAG.
The program, designed for 2015-2019 years, including 32 projects that provide for the organization and production of competitive import-substituting products.
"The implementation of 32 projects will increase the production of localized products for the whole industry to 88 billion soums in 2015, to 1 trillion 43 billion soums in 2019. The effect of import substitution will be more than $200 million, will be created additional 1500 jobs. We also expect that the export of localized products will grow from $20 million in 2015 to $498 million in 2019", - said chairman of the National Holding Company "Uzbekneftegaz" Shokir Fayzullaev.
He also noted that the envisaged increase in the production of imported previously goods and expansion of inter-sectoral industrial cooperation.
"If in 2015 it amounted to 14.7% of the industry, by 2019 we expect to reach the figure of 35.5%. This will be mastered by the production of new types of engineering products, chemicals, insulation materials and other imported products", - said Sh.Fayzullaev.
$ 1-2522,73 soums.