There are no prerequisites to deploy the US military bases in the Central Asian countries - the Hudson Institute
Almaty. March 18. Silkroadnews - There are no prerequisites to deploy the US military bases in the Central Asian countries, Richard Weitz, director of the center for military-political analysis at the Hudson Institute, states, KazTAG reports.
“Today, as for the Uzbek policy, I do not think there will be any bases, that is I have not seen any signs of the United States looking for such opportunities. As for Turkmenistan, the US forces are trying to provide trainings, but as for the bases, I think they are more focused on the development of the region,” - R. Weitz said at the international conference “Contemporary US foreign policy and its implementation in Central Asia” in Astana on Friday.
“I do not think that there are some prerequisites to deploy the troops or their bases in Central Asia,” - he added.