Three five-party agreement on cooperation in the Caspian Sea is planned to sign at the summit in Astrakhan
Astana. September 24 .Silkroadnews - Three five-party agreement on cooperation in the Caspian Sea to be signed in Astrakhan at the IV Summit of Heads of Caspian littoral states, said the special envoy of the MFA RK Zulfija Amanzholova.
"Today, almost finished all works on three five-sided agreement on the protection of biological resources in response to emergencies at sea as well as on cooperation in the Caspian hydrometeorology. With high probability documents may be signed at the upcoming meeting", - quotes Z. Amanzholova official Kazakh press on Wednesday.
In her view, the agreement will allow "to give an additional positive impetus to the work on the draft convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea".
"Five-party talks - quite a complicated process, because each state has its own goals, objectives and national interests. In the Caspian negotiations to resolve any issues related to the status of the sea, has been elected the principle of consensus, that is, taking into account the views of five sides at the same time. Despite this, it is encouraging to note that the degree of mutual understanding and cooperation is high enough. In the active key negotiations continue in multilateral and bilateral formats, and progress in this case is obvious",- said Z. Amanzholova.
However, she said, that the uncertainty of the legal status of the Caspian Sea littoral states requires further constructive steps in finding mutually acceptable solutions in the five-sided format.
Recall, IV summit of Caspian states is scheduled for September 29 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation.