Two American soldiers wounded in province of Wardak, Afghanistan

Beijing. Jul 20. Silkroadnews - Two U.S. troops have been wounded in the central Afghan province of Wardak following an attack by Taliban militants, the Afghan News Agency (AfTAG) reports.
The incident occurred in the Jalrez district, during a joint operation by Afghan and American forces. When the military passed by the former building of the agricultural school, the militants opened fire.
According to representatives of the U.S. Armed Forces in Afghanistan, there were three snipers taking part in the attack among the Taliban.
As a result of an air strike the militants suffered losses, no civilian casualties reported.
Representatives of the provincial council criticized the actions by the U.S. troops, noting the construction of the school building, partially destroyed by the counterattack, cost a considerable amount, Pajhwok news agency reported.
Later media reported on death of two U.S. troops during the attack by the Taliban, though the military command did not confirm this information.