UN experts have accused China of torturing prisoners

Date: 08:18, 10-12-2015.

Almaty. December 10. Silkroadnews - The UN Committee against Torture issued a final conclusion on the analysis of the situation of torture in China after consulting with Chinese officials, repoted BBC Russian Service.
"The Committee is deeply concerned about the spread in China, cases of torture of prisoners and maltreatment. These practices are deeply rooted in the Chinese justice system", - said in a statement the committee.
The most common torture is fixed during pre-trial investigation, noted in the UN. The Chinese authorities are trying to take measures to deal with violations of the rights of prisoners, but many issues remain unresolved, experts say.
"The Committee advises China to create a credible, independent organization that would monitor the torture of prisoners by law enforcement agencies. In addition, the UN recommended to allow lawyers to the accused immediately after the arrest and to establish an audiovisual fixation", - reported publication.
Also, the committee is deeply concerned about the death of a number of political prisoners and detention of lawyers. According to the UN, at least 25 of the 200 lawyers who were arrested in July, ae still in detention.
This is the first report on the situation in the country of torture since 2008.
The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said that the authorities have in recent years made considerable efforts to combat torture and try to ensure the rule of law.

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