US extended for six months the validity of the decision to suspend the sanctions against Iran

Date: 12:50, 10-12-2014.

Almaty. December 10. Silkroadnews - US extended the validity of its decision to suspend the sanctions against Iran until 30 June 2015, Russian media reported.
According to the publication, this step was taken in order to allow the implementation of the joint action plan agreed on November 24 among "six" and Iran in negotiations on the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic.
The decision to extend the moratorium on the effect of EU sanctions against Iran was made after November 24, Tehran, and "six" international mediators (the US, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany) have agreed to continue negotiations on the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic on 30 June of the following year to finalize the agreement.
In particular, the EU sanctions against Iran concerning the prohibition on financial transactions with Iran, the investment in the Iranian petrochemical industry, insurance of Iranian oil tankers and trade with Tehran precious stones and metals.

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