US funding interfering in Tibet

Beijing. March 28. Silkroadnews - Congress approves $6 million in bill to aid ‘government-in-exile’, Global Times reports.
The US is interfering with China's domestic political affairs by approving increased financial aid to support the Tibetan "government-in-exile," Chinese experts said on Sunday of the latest US move to pressure China.
The US Congress on Wednesday approved a spending bill which releases $8 million in aid to "the Tibetans inside Tibet" as well as $6 million to "those in exile in India and Nepal," according to the Consolidated Appropriations Act released on the Congress website.
The bill offers no less than $3 million for "programs to strengthen the capacity of Tibetan institutions and governance."
"Aside from the trade war and the Taiwan Travel Act, financial support for Tibetan separatist forces is the latest move for some political forces in the US to pressure China as they do not want to see China's smooth development and onward Sino-US ties," Zhu Weiqun, chairman of the Ethnic and Religious Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, told the Global Times.
"It is not strange for the US to approve the bill since it has become the main backstage supporter of separatist forces, especially the so-called Tibetan 'government-in-exile' from the 1950s. And the US Central Intelligence Agency used to take part in training Tibetan spies," Lian Xiangmin, an expert at the China Tibetology Research Center, told the Global Times.
The US government has offered financial support for the Tibetan "government-in-exile" since the 1980s and former president George W. Bush signed the Tibetan Policy Act in 2002, Lian noted, adding that 2018 funding is the largest ever.
"Donald Trump planned to cut financial support in May but changed his mind. The funding goes to Tibetans living in China, which is a move that interferes with China's domestic affairs," Lian said.
The US released $6 million to support "Tibetans in exile" in 2016, more than that of 2015, reported. According to the budget of the Tibetan "government-in-exile" from 2007 to 2008, more than 90 percent of its revenue derives from foreign governments.
"Separatists from the so-called 'government-in-exile' who showed gratitude to the US government for financial support also displayed to the world that they are political tools and dogs raised by the US to make trouble for China," Lian said.
"People who are the Dalai Lama's supporters and wish to use the money to make a mess in China's Tibet Autonomous Region will be disappointed as they will never get a chance to affect stability in the region," Zhu said.