US State Department called Iran to be “foremost state sponsor of terrorism”
Almaty. July 20. Silkroadnews – The US State Department called Iran to be “foremost state sponsor of terrorism”, Ukrainian information portal “Country” reported.
“Iran continued to be the “foremost state sponsor of terrorism” in 2016, with groups supported by the country maintaining their ability to threaten the United States and its allies, a new report by the U.S. State Department says”, publication reads.
According to the report, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, being elite military formation and the main support of the Islamic regime in Iran, along with Tehran’s partners, allies and proxies, served to destabilize the armed conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
The publication also says about the US State Department accusing Shia Iran of the recruitment of militants from all over the region to join Shia militias involved in conflicts in Syria and Iraq.
The report pays much attention to the extremist group “Islamic State” and its eight recognized branches as the most potent threat to the world’s security.
Meanwhile, Iranian Tasnim news agency reports that Tehran advised the US to remove latter’s military bases within a radius of 1,000 km from Iran’s borders.
“The commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohamad Ali Jafari said, in case Washington wants to continue sanctions policy against the defense complex of Tehran, it better to remove its bases within a radius of 1,000 kilometers from Iran’s borders”, publication said.