Uzbek national airline to perform more flights to New York

Beijing. February 16. Silkroadnews - The national airline “Uzbekistan Airways” will perform more regular flights to New York, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
As the company’s press service it was reported the flights will be performed on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.
Starting from April 5, the airline will perform twice more flights, with the new schedule looking as follows (local time):
Thursday: HY 101 Tashkent 05:45 – New York 10:00
Thursday: HY 102 New York 12:45 – Tashkent 09:25 (+1)
From May 29 to September 17 the company will perform up to three weekly flights.
To remind, at present, flights on the route Tashkent-New York-Tashkent are performed once a week on Sundays.