Uzbekistan has adopted a new social state program

Date: 14:07, 19-02-2015.

Almaty. February 19. Silkroadnews - Uzbek President Islam Karimov signed a decree "On the State program "Year of attention and care for the older generation", reported the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG).
The document was adopted in order to implement a wide range of measures to further improve the level and quality of life of older people, increase the scale of their material and moral support, to improve the social, pension and health care of older people, especially the veterans of war and labor front of 1941-1945, strengthening the role of the older generation in the family and society, the education of youth in accordance with centuries-old values ​​and traditions.
In addition, it is planned to implement a set of measures to improve the level and quality of health and social services for veterans and the elderly, the organization of their system improvement, expansion of preventive measures, coverage and access to modern methods of treatment of diseases of the eye and ear, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases, improve the security of older and disabled people and supporting technical means of rehabilitation, including on concessional terms.
Provided for strengthening the material and technical base of health and recuperation centers and social service agencies in Uzbekistan, specializing in serving the elderly.
To a new level should rise organization of life and leisure of elderly. To this end, for veterans and seniors in the areas of Uzbekistan planned to establish centers of communication, clubs, opportunities to practice their physical culture and sports.
Control over the execution of the decision is assigned to the Prime Minister Shaukat Mirzieev.

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