Uzbekistan has tightened punishment for terrorism

Date: 07:54, 27-04-2016.

Almaty. April 27. Silkroadnews – President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a law “On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan” providing for amendments to the Criminal Code to toughen punishment for recruitment for the terrorist organizations and their financing, Trend says.

The amendments state that “recruitment of persons for purposes of training for terrorist activities (...) shall be punishable by imprisonment of 8 to 10 years”.

It is the first time when the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan applies the term “recruitment for terrorists”.

Besides, a new subsection “financing of terrorism” was included to article 155 (terrorism) of the code. According to this sub-section, providing any resources to prepare and commit terrorist acts, as well as assistance to terrorist organizations, shall be punishable by imprisonment of 10 to 15 years.

At the same time, it provides that “a person involved in the financing of terrorism shall not be held criminally liable if duly and timely warned the authorities or otherwise actively help to prevent the ensuing of heavy consequences and implementation of the terrorists’ objectives”.
The day before the document entered into force when was published in the central press.

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