Uzbekistan is getting ready to send its first convoy on a new route to China

Beijing. February 20. Silkroadnews - Uzbekistan is getting ready to send its first convoy with export cargo on a new route Tashkent-Andijan-Osh-Irkeshtam-Kashgar to China, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
Transportation of products of Uzbekistan and neighboring countries exporters will be carried out by “Silk Road International” company. As soon as the convoy arrives at the final delivery point, the city of Kashgar, it will depart on the return route carrying imported products this time.
To carry out transportations 80 trucks will be involved at the first phase with further increase up to 200 trucks till the end of this year.
The measures are planned to ensure about 100 thousand tons of export-import cargoes to be transported along the new route by the end of the year.
If earlier it took 8-10 days to deliver cargo from Uzbekistan to China on the existing corridor, it will now take only 2 days for the new route. The tariffs flexible transparent system designed for transportation of containers and consolidated loads allows to save from $300 to $500 for delivery of each batch of cargo, which as a whole allows to cut expenses by about $2.5 million per year.