Uzbekistan to provide regular jobs to more than 380 thousand people in 2017
Almaty. December 14. Silkroadnews – Uzbekistan to provide regular jobs to 389.3 thousand people in 2017, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) informs.
“New jobs will be created in industry (131.1 thousand), services (69.5 thousand), agriculture (55.8 thousand), construction and infrastructure projects (88.9 thousand) sectors, as well as renewal of idle enterprises operation – 44 thousand jobs. 97.7 thousand jobs are planned to be created in the field of individual entrepreneurship”, the public employment program approved by the Senate states.
The employment at the seasonal and temporary works in agriculture and construction sectors is expected to total to 199.1 thousand jobs on an annualized basis. Encouraging of self-employment of population is planned to generate income sources for 308.6 thousand people, including personal subsidiary and dekhkan farms – 272.7 thousand, and craftsmanship and family business – 35.9 thousand people.
Special attention is to be paid to the program of employment of graduates of the secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, which number is expected to total to 508.8 thousand graduates in 2017.