Uzbekistan to simplify applications for media registration

Almaty. December 11. Silkroadnews - Uzbekistan will simplify the process of considering applications for registration of mass media and improve the procedure for registering websites on the global Internet, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
In particular, this was a subject of agenda at the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) of Uzbekistan, where the bills on making amendments and supplements to the current media laws were considered in the first reading.
The adjustments are to be made to the law on the mass media aimed to strengthen building of legal, economic and organizational conditions that ensure freedom of activity, access to information, protection of the media from unlawful decisions of the state bodies, actions or inaction of their officials.
Legal mechanisms are being established to provide the state support to journalists and creative groups through granting privileges and preferences on taxes and other mandatory payments, as well as rendering financial and social assistance.
Also, changes are planned to be introduced to the law “On protection of professional activities of a journalist.”
As deputies note, the draft law is aimed to raise the authority of journalists to ensure the stat agencies’ performance transparency, as well as cover key issues of great public interest.
Representatives of the media are expected to be granted additional rights to assist in their journalistic activities.
The full text of the documents can be found at the portal.