Uzbekistan will create a forestry development fund
Almaty. June 21. Silkroadnews – A forestry development fund will be created in Uzbekistan, under the Forestry department of Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
The fund will be created to raise the financial resources to develop forestry, strengthen its material-technical base, carry out works on conservation, protection, reproduction and restoration of flora and fauna on the forestry lands.
The regulation on the procedure of the fund’s organization and use has been approved.
The fund resources are provided to be used for measures on prevention and elimination of damage caused to flora and fauna, acquisition of equipment and technology for the protection of forests, environmental monitoring systems, equipment, tools, software, development of seed breeding, creation of natural nurseries and special mother plantations, test of advanced technologies on the experimental sites under special nurseries, greenhouses, plantations of medicinal plants, as well as payment of rewards to persons revealing violations of flora and fauna legislation on the forest land.