Uzbekistan will keep cotton fiber production at 1 million tonnes in 2015

Date: 12:36, 08-10-2015.

Almaty. October 8. Silkroadnews - Production of cotton-fiber in Uzbekistan in 2015 will remain at the level of 2014 and will be about 1 million tonnes, reported UzTAG.
"Projected volumes of cotton crop in 2015 will amount to 3.35 million tons, the output of the fiber will be about 1 million tons", - said the first deputy chairman of the association "Uzhlopkoprom" Mahmoud Bobojonov.
Season mass cotton harvest in Uzbekistan falls on September-October.
Uzbekistan ranks 6th in the world in terms of production of cotton and the third - largest exporter. About 60% of produced cotton is shipped to foreign markets.

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